Our Services
Learning 2 Live specializes in teaching the skills necessary to become self sufficient and to live a joyous and productive life. We focus on empowering the individual to overcome life's difficulties both past and present.
Our services are offered online, in person or onsite at your location for the convenience of your staff or those you serve.
ACEs Recovery Classes
The Learning 2 Live curriculum is a comprehensive program developed as a means of Recovery from ACE's (adverse childhood experiences). L2L's audience: adults who have an ACE score of 4 or more.
Lifeskills Workshops
We provide half day workshops targeted at the Human Services professional. Topics include: ACEs awareness, working with individuals with high ACEs, connecting ACEs recovery with A&D, and working with Veterans -- to name a few.
One hour consultation available for individuals or caregivers working with people currently struggling to overcome Intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Parent/Family Education
L2L offers twenty four (24) different types of parent and family education courses. These include but are not limited too:
Active Parenting
Nurturing Parenting
Make Parenting a Pleasure
Circle of Security
DHS Supervised Visitation
We are DHS approved in six Oregon Counties (so far), to provide supervised visitations.
On a limited basis.
12 Step Recovery
We support all 12 Step groups and meetings. Space available to host groups, meetings and events.